Reborn Dolls by Sara Blogs
Why Won't Facebook Approve My Reborn Doll Post for Sale on Marketplace?!
After Care Instructions: How to care for your reborn baby doll
Which Payment Plan Should I Use? What Are the Differences?
How I price my reborn art dolls
How I price my reborn art dolls.
When it comes to my reborn art dolls, I don't have a one-price-fits-all approach. I like to charge for cost of materials, and my time (labour).
Factors that affect cost are type of reborn...
Types of Reborn Dolls and Their Material
What is the difference between a cuddle baby and reborn?
What is the difference between a silicone reborn and a vinyl reborn?
What is a partial silicone doll?
I answer all of these questions and more in this blog.
List of Reborn Doll Scammers and Counterfeit Sellers
Where and How to Buy a Reborn Art Doll and Not Get Scammed
Why are reborn dolls so expensive?
What does it cost to make a reborn? Why are reborn dolls so expensive? Why are there cheap reborns out there and expensive ones? What do I need to invest in to become a reborn doll artist?