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Anti-Scratch Mitt and Hat Sets for Reborns
$3.99 Sold Out
Carhartt TanMint GreenLight PinkBlush PinkBarbie PinkBlueIvory WhiteWhite and Grey StripedLight Grey MelangeVanilla BeanLight PurpleCreamy WhiteMustard Yellow+ 10 more
5 Pack Reborn Baby Socks
$6.99 $9.99 Sale
Mint GreenPinkBlueTanYellowPurpleGrey+ 4 more
Two Piece Boho Muslin Swaddle Blankets
$22.99 $39.99 Sale
Mauve Vintage FloralLavender FloralBotanicalSage Green FernBoho Rainbow+ 2 more
Wild Side Mini Reborn Rompers with Turban Knot Headbands
$6.99 $14.99 Sale
Turquoise and Pink FloralBotanical LeavesBlack Blue and Yellow FloralDinosaursPink CocomelonPink ToucansWhite with Pink DotsPineapples+ 5 more

C'mon in to my enchanting world of tiny clothing and accessories designed exclusively for micro and miniature reborn baby dolls. These designs are tailored to fit tiny dolls sized six inches to twelve inches.  

Indulge in this exquisite collection featuring a delightful array of miniature dresses, rompers, onesies, pjs, hats, shoes, and more; all meticulously hand-crafted by my suppliers with attention to detail and love. I work with suppliers directly in Singapore, and we prioritize affordability and quality over shipping speed.

Looking for more?

Check out the Reborn Dolls by Sara Etsy shop as well for other one of a kind reborn doll clothing, accessories and supplies found nowhere else!  Use code ICAMEFROMYOURWEBSITE for 15% off your order!